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Apr 30, 20233 min read
Why walking could be the perfect exercise for you
It's #WalkThisMay this month so in celebration of probably the easiest exercise we can manage
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Mar 25, 20235 min read
Compartment syndrome or Shin Splints ?
Often mis-diagnosed as shin splints ... just what are the differences and how is compartment syndrome treated ? Calf and shin pain is a...
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Oct 5, 20226 min read
Achilles Tendon issues - is it time to step away from the stretching !!
For many runners and athletes Achilles pain can be stubborn to treat but are we barking up the wrong rehab tree ?
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Jul 2, 20224 min read
Plantar Fasciitis - Painful feet affect the whole person.
Plantar fasciitis is the bane of many a runner's life but is it really plantar fasciitis you have ?
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Feb 22, 20223 min read
5 Best Ways to Tackle an Ankle Sprain - to R.I.C.E or not ?
Best ways to treat a sprained ankle
Best things to avoid for a sprained ankle
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Jun 28, 20213 min read
Are your flip flops making your feet flop?
Are your flip flops making your feet flop ?? As the UK weather finally warms up the urge to feel a cool breeze around our toes and show...
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