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Oct 15, 20244 min read
Neck Pain or Shoulder Pain ? And does the difference matter ?
The body is unreliable when reporting pain - neck pain can masquerade as shoulder pain and vice versa. When is the difference important ?
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Sep 3, 20245 min read
Discovering Relief: How Reflexology Can Help Manage Migraines
Migraines are far more than just a bad headache. If you're seeking a natural way to manage this pain, reflexology offer a solution
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Jul 9, 20244 min read
Six tips to stop neck and back pain spoiling your holiday
Time away is precious so how can you make sure you arrive fit to enjoy it and not in a painful heap.
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Jun 14, 20243 min read
How stress affects your experience of pain.
ALL pain is felt in our head so how our head feels will affect how we feel pain.
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May 19, 20243 min read
6 ways to get the best out of your physiotherapy appointment
Six ways to get the most out of your physio treatment and put you on the road to recovery.
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Feb 9, 20243 min read
How’s your body dealing with your new exercise plan ?
Managing to keep the exercise regime going through January but getting some aches and pains ?? Keep going with our help and advise
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Dec 19, 20233 min read
How realistic are your New Year’s resolutions?
And what's the best way of creating a new habit and ditching old ones. A new year prompts many of us to turn over a new leaf and improve...
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Sep 19, 20234 min read
Scoliosis and back pain .
A common cause of back pain is scoliosis but what is it, is it serious ? How do I deal with it ? . What do Usain Bolt, Richard III and...
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Sep 12, 20233 min read
Are your high heels helping your backpain ?
Painful feet affect the whole person so what happens when we cram our feet into high heels ?
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Jan 13, 20233 min read
Do you need your own personal YouTube Physio?
Can you treat your own sciatica or frozen shoulder by just doing some YouTube stretches ? Possibly,but sometimes professional help is best.
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Nov 11, 20224 min read
When is the right time to see a Physiotherapist ?
Most aches and pains recover but at what point should you worry and start to seek some professional help ?
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Jul 2, 20224 min read
Plantar Fasciitis - Painful feet affect the whole person.
Plantar fasciitis is the bane of many a runner's life but is it really plantar fasciitis you have ?
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Jun 26, 20223 min read
Hamstrings... why are they commonly injured ?
And why are they always tight ?! We classically think of hamstring injuries as being the preserve of a sporting person - that sudden tear...
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May 15, 20226 min read
Should I have Physiotherapy or Surgery for my problem `?
My top 5 conditions where surgery may NOT be the answer. It's the billion dollar question and one we get asked a lot in clinic.. " should...
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Mar 27, 20225 min read
Could your joint pain be menopause related ?
Fifty percent of menopausal women have joint and musclar aches and pains and many are mis-diagnosed with things like Fibromyalgia.
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Feb 1, 20225 min read
Pain : finding the ' why ' for your pain
Or, " ...why the heck are you asking me so many questions about my pain ? " Pain is THE number one problem that brings patients to our...
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Dec 30, 20214 min read
Sciatica - a proper pain in the b*m!
5 ways to help tackle your sciatica ! " Do you see a lot of back pain then ? " my patient asked me whilst I was treating his back ...
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Nov 21, 20214 min read
Physio, Osteopath or Chiropractor ?
Just what is the difference and does it actually matter ? " So, I was wondering, what is the difference between you and a Chiropractor ?...
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Nov 7, 20213 min read
Iliotibial Band Pain & Foam Rolling
To foam roll, or not to foam roll, that is the question.
What does it do and is it useful for ITB pain.
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Oct 12, 20213 min read
A few guidelines for Acupuncture, when to use it and how it works. A few Acupuncture myths busted at the end !
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